Here are all of our kids with their raccoon puppets!
About Me

- Christina
- Woman of many names... Wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister, ect. But the title most treasured... Child of God. Isa. 9:6
Friday, January 30, 2009
Back to the Library!
We have been slacking a little on story time. But yesterday we made it, and I even remembered my camera!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
It stuck this time...
We are so excited to finally share the news that we are pregnant again...and this time there is a healthy, growing baby to prove it! Thank you to all of you that have kept our family in your prayers. God heard them...and has seen fit to bless us once more!!!
Here is are new little peanut at 8 weeks and 4 days:
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Cheyenne's 3rd Birthday: Part 3
Tonight we had a wonderful birthday dinner with Cheyenne, at Applebees.

Here is a video of Cheyenne really enjoying the whole restaurant experience---dancing, eating and loving every minute of it...
This is when they brought out the special birthday sundae and sang to Cheyenne...

I can't believe three years have passed since she graced us with her presence. I cherish every moment I have with her...just like my mom told me to do! Love you Mom...and we miss you all!
Here is a video of Cheyenne really enjoying the whole restaurant experience---dancing, eating and loving every minute of it...
This is when they brought out the special birthday sundae and sang to Cheyenne...
I can't believe three years have passed since she graced us with her presence. I cherish every moment I have with her...just like my mom told me to do! Love you Mom...and we miss you all!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Cheyenne's 3rd Birthday: Part 1
I know there are some grannies itchin' too see pics from our baby girl's 3rd birthday. Here are a few of the pics and video. Brandi was able to take some pics for me with her camera, have I mentioned how much I love having her here with me:). I will post those pics tomorrow, but for now here is what I took...
Bryan was trying to make her smile by making silly faces at her...instead she started making faces back!
Her new party shoes!
The birthday girl waiting for her guest to arrive!Mouse ears for everyone!
Playing a Mickey Mouse card game...
Here are a few video clips...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
For all you Floridians who think you're cold....

I am rushing round this morning getting things ready for Cheyenne's 3rd birthday, and my mouth almost hit the floor when I passed by the kitchen window. Here is what I saw:
I could not see the exact reading on it...but I know that it is too close to zero for my liking!
Friday, January 16, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Happiest gal in Va!!!
I am so excited to tell all of you that our very close friends the McCormick's have moved here to Lexington with us---and they found a house just four houses down from us!!! I feel so blessed to have one of my very best friends here to share my Va adventures with! In a few days I hope to have a blog started for their family, and I will be sure to share it with all of you. Please keep them in your prayers as they settle in, and remember to pray for their family in Florida. You all know how difficult it can be to adjust to such a far move.
Here are a few pics of their new house!!!
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
A Living Room Camp-Out!
Cheyenne had a request to have a little camp-out in the living room. It was really cute while it lasted, but by the end of the night Bryan was sleeping alone in the tent and Cheyenne had moved to the couch. 

This last pic is of Bryan and Cheyenne "pretending" to be asleep---Cheyenne's idea!
Friday, January 2, 2009
Getting ready to party!!!
That's right...we are planning Cheyenne's 3rd birthday!!! Can you believe it? I wanted to share with all of you the invitations and party theme she picked. Our very girlie, pink-obsessed, princess-loving daughter wants a Mickey Mouse party!!! Here are the invitations:

I had high hopes for a snow themed birthday party with sledding and snow balls, but the weather just isn't cooperating. It is already January and still no snow on the ground---only a few light snow showers:(
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy New Year!
We had a wonderful New Years Eve with some friends and family. We went out for a great dinner and then headed to a concert to hear a few local christian groups. We made it home in time to watch a little of the festivities in New York. Cheyenne tried to stay up but she didn't make it. Here she is asleep on the couch...such a party animal, huh?
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