We were able to spend a week with our dear friends Rob and Sarabeth. We arrived Wednesday evening and they gave birth to their sweet baby girl, Faith, on Thursday morning. I say with tears of joy and sadness that I will never be the same after that week. Baby Faith's story has impacted SO MANY. Through her life she has shared with others salvation, forgiveness, healing and conviction. Her life allowed her parents to remind us all of true faith! I can not even find the words to express how proud I am to call Rob and Sarabeth friends and siblings in Christ!
Bryan was asked to share a letter at Faith's memorial service written to her from her parents. The letter is posted on Sarabeth's blog and I strongly encourage you all to read it. But before he read the letter he shared a few thoughts of his own. I wanted to share them with you because his words so perfectly explained the feelings he and I shared during this week:
"I would like to start by saying what a privilege it is to know Rob and Sarabeth, their children, family and friends. And to have been welcomed into such an exceptional family. I would also like to say what an honor it has been to experience with them the story and life of Faith. I am reminded today of one of my favorite chapters from scripture, Hebrews 11. Two words in Hebrews 11 stand out to me...those words are "BY FAITH". As each of us commit to memory this chapter of our lives let it be said that BY FAITH Rob and Sarabeth Vaughn demonstrated to us and the world true Christian faith. Just as the word Christian means to be Christ-like; like Christ, when faced with His death prayed: "Father, if thou be willing remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but thine be done", then laid down His life to provide salvation to everyone who will believe in Him. Rob and Sarabeth have demonstrated through Faith, an unfailing trust in God with the life of their child. Wanting her life and story to bring their family, friends and the world to salvation through Jesus Christ. And for that they will always be remembered by me, and I pray by you, as HEROES OF FAITH. -Bryan Volpe"
Rob and Sarabeth kept saying while we were down there, "Thank you for being here", "Thank you for all of your help", thank you, thank you, thank you...They have no idea that we are the ones who will be eternally grateful to them. I am going to steal Sarabeth's coined phrase...but it is so true: We have found that OUR faith has been renewed through the story of Faith Mackenzie Vaughn. God smile upon Rob and Sarabeth when He found them strong and steadfast to be the parents and storytellers of Faith's precious little life. It broke our hearts to leave them. I told Bryan the pain felt like it did when we moved away from them over two years ago, he replied: "no, it hurts worse".
We returned to good ole Va and were greeted by our sweet kids (yes, I left them 700 miles away!), our family and our church family. We hit the door running though...we will be returning to Fla in 6 days to celebrate my brother's high school graduation. In the mean time we have our regular church schedule to maintain, I have two cakes due on Friday, Cheyenne has a dance recital, we are putting on a church yard sale/bake sale and I have to catch up on laundry, re-pack and hit then hit the road again!!!