Ryker is 5 months old now!!! And he is growing like a weed. I realized I had been slipping on posts with our baby boy in them...so it is time for Sister to share the blog spot light :)
I tried to get Ryker to preform his latest trick...sticking out his tongue. Unfortunately I have not been able to capture it on video yet :(
These are the chubbiest little feet I have ever seen. I have had a time trying to find socks to fit these clodhoppers---and when I finally did get the right ones they were size 18-36 MONTHS! The funniest part is that the length is not the problem...it is the width. Bryan and I pulled out the tape measure the other day to measure these little chubs...Rykers feet are 5 1/4 inches around but only 4 inches long. We joke and say all that eating he is doing is going straight to his feet, and Bryan says he is just building a "good foundation". They are supper cute and I just love blowing raspberries on them:)
same little chunky feet that Kenzie had. He's gonna be a big boy!!!