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Woman of many names... Wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister, ect. But the title most treasured... Child of God. Isa. 9:6

Saturday, November 22, 2008

A bout with Fifth Disease...

Just in time for the trip, our rarely ill child has contracted Fifth Disease. Chance are that she contracted this virus from another infected child, but since this virus is only contagious before the rash breaks out we had no idea. The good news is that it seems we are on the down hill side of this illness. She is no longer contagious and her rash seems to be gone as well. Once you have had Fifth Disease it is unlikely you will ever catch it again. I took this picture yesterday, when her rash was at it's worst. My baby girl had a rash on most of her body, but would still "cheese" for her camera-happy mommy! What a sweetie!

1 comment:

  1. What a little trooper! Even when she's under the weather, she still puts on a smile! Glad she's feeling better and the rash is gone, looking forward to seeing you on MONDAY!!! Woo Hoo!!!

    I love you guys, travel safe!

