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Woman of many names... Wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister, ect. But the title most treasured... Child of God. Isa. 9:6

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes...

I have two new funny stories I wanted to share with you guys:

To Bad, so sad...

I have a terrible habit of saying " To bad, so sad" while Cheyenne is having a fit for not getting her way. I should have known that it would come back around to me one day---never did I guess it would come back around to Bryan! While we were rushing around one morning trying to get ready to go to town, I was calling Cheyenne to join me in the bathroom to get her hair brushed. After a few calls and no response Bryan headed to the living room to "motivate" her! Once he found her he said " Don't you hear your Mommy calling you. Go to the bathroom and get your hair brushed! Now!" With out skipping a beat she quickly responded " To bad, so sad!!". I could hear this conversation. I thought for sure those would be her last words and it was all my fault! Fortunately her daddy was a sucker for her smart come back, and continued to direct her to the bathroom---with a hidden smile on his face.

Deer poop...

A few weeks ago, while in the middle of story time at the library. All of the other kids were sitting still and quite, listening to the story. Cheyenne was sitting "Indian style" on the floor when something on the bottom of her shoe caught her eye. After a few seconds of examination, she blurted out " Mommy, is that DEER POOP on my shoe?"!! At this point I am sure she got a shock out of the other story time participants---but nothing she says shocks me anymore!!


  1. That is too funny!!

  2. LOL, the girl has got a way with words and PERFECT timing!

    Love you, Mom
