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Woman of many names... Wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister, ect. But the title most treasured... Child of God. Isa. 9:6

Friday, May 21, 2010

If we are the body...

God has got me thinking about my little hurt finger and I thought I would share with you...
For those of you who may find it odd when Jesus speaks of the rocks crying out his praises (Luke 19:40), let me share with you about how my pointer finger has been preaching to me all day!

(Fore note: I have a minor infection in my pointer finger from a pulled hang-nail.)

In the Bible God refers to Christians as the "body" (1 Cor. 12:12). And just like our own body, all members must be in healthy, working order for the body to preform to it's absolute best. And like wise when even just one member is disabled it will weaken the entire body---no matter how large or small that member may be.

Que---my swollen pointer:)

All day I have moaned and groaned over this little "member". I have found normal, everyday tasks such as typing, buttoning pants and even using the microwave a real chore with this hurt finger slowing me down. Then when in the shower, as my finger throbbed while shampooing my hair, the Lord spoke to me through this finger.

Sometimes when we picture the "body" of Christ we picture ourselves as a small, and sometimes unimportant member...maybe even a finger, or a hang nail :) When we as a member of the body of Christ become "infected" with gossip, laziness, criticism, and an apathy we effect the function of the whole body---disabling it from being productive for the Kingdom of God.

So what to to about the infection....this was my question. If you find yourself as an "infected member" it is time to put on the Neosporin---Christ's love, grace and mercy ( 2 John 1:3).

But if we are the body, why aren't His arms reaching, why aren't His hands healing...
---Casting Crowns

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