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Woman of many names... Wife, mother, daughter, friend, sister, ect. But the title most treasured... Child of God. Isa. 9:6

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Baby Bump!

Whoa! It has been a whole week between posts! I need to pick up the pace!
I am starting to feel pretty great---a lot more energized, not so queasy and really beginning to enjoy being pregnant. Here is a pic of my growing belly at 10 weeks & 5 days:

Here is a little update on our baby's development this week:

Your fetus, about the size of a large lime, measures about 1.75 to 2.4 inches from crown to rump and weighs about three-tenths of an ounce. About now the rapid "swooshing" noises of the heartbeat may be heard using an electronic Doppler device. Fingernails and external genitalia are showing distinguishing characteristics, and the baby is swallowing and kicking, although you still won't feel it.

Our next Dr appt is on February 25th. Say tuned...


  1. Baby Bump- so cute! I definitely have one too! Comes on so quick the second time! Not sure I want to post mine....I should though!

  2. Hey Baby,

    Thanks for posting the picture of your tummy.....I am so thankful to God that you are feeling well and doing so great : )

    I love you and miss you so much!


  3. Hey Baby Girl,

    I see that baby bump. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I'm so excited and can't wait to hear if we need to buy pink or blue.

    Love to all,
    Granny Williams

  4. Okay... that is to cute!! From the time I started to show I looked like a whale.... You are not going to have that problem!!
